Order board

* USD/JPY bid again, stays near 81.49 high seen earlier, some eye topside stops.
* USD/JPY stops above 81.60-70, 82.00, 82.20.
* Bids seen firm from ahead of 81.00, trail down to 80.80, stops below.  
* Downside stops sub-80.80. 

* EUR/JPY bias still to sell rallies but resilient today, topside stops too.
* EUR/JPY offers ahead of 108.00 still but some stops mixed in above 107.80, 108.00.

* EUR/GBP stops seen building sub-0.8190.  


Good real money, talks of reserve managers, sovereigns offers above 0.9900/ 0.9950/ Parity. Bids at 0.9850-60, stops below 0.9850/30.

at 0.8110-15, interest from funds, interbanks, US houses to sell on rallies for break of 0.8080/ 0,8050 and key 0.8000. Real money, local corporates, exporters and Asian bids on dips to 0.8080-90, but vulnerable to stoploss below 0.8080.

Offers 1.6150/1.6200, by US funds, UK clearers, stops below 1.6080, but UK clearers, divdend related, M.E, Asian bids on dips to 1.6050/1.6000.


Nothing on EURUSD yet but looking at the chart stops seems to hide above 3215 and 3230.

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